Although the hours of daylight are noticeably increasing y the time the calendar enters February, we are still very much in winter, with the possibili...
For the 2024 season, the popular Shelsley Walsh location has announced a series of static events to complement the action on the hill, with a mixture ...
Returning from Los Angeles a few days into December, the UK car scene has quietened down quite a lot, as the hour of daylight are at their least and m...
Although this event has been running for just over 6 years now, I had somehow failed to know about it until discovering it as the result of a more car...
It used to be the case that by the end of October, the car event season was more or less over for the year, with challenges of reduced hours of daylig...
Here’s yet another venue with monthly breakfast club style meets, to which I was alerted by the Abarth Berkshire group who had attended earlier in the...
Such is the pressure on my diary, with a huge number of events that it has taken until July to get to my first Haynes Breakfast Club event. These take...
Sometimes referred to as the Queen Square Breakfast Club and sometimes as the Queen Square (or QS) Car Club, this group has its origins, as the name w...
What is widely thought to have been the first “Cars and Coffee” event took place in Irvine in Southern California. That event, sadly, has long been cl...