Last weekend, I went to the “Aventure Peugeot”, an absolutely fascinating museum (none of this “adventure stuff, that is just marketing hyperbole!) in the small town of Sochaux, about 10 km south west of Belfort, just off junction 9 of the A36. There are a whole series of displays telling the story of Peugeot from the early beginnings of the Freres Peugeot who converted the family mill to producing steel products, bicycles and then to cars. I took lots of pictures (there’s a surprise!), and here are some of them:
60s and 70s, when Peugeots still sold to the “bourgeoisie”:
A couple of the e arly 50s offerings, when the 203 was the sole model:
There were a row of glorious 402s, reminiscent of the Chrysler Airflow, but rather more elegant:
And who said that the metal roof cabrio a la SLK and 206CC was “new”, as here is the 30s precursor. Again, a 402 Cabrio:
And there was a slightly earlier model, too
There was a special exhibition of limousines – mostly “blinde” (that’s armoured in French!)…….. the 405 was built in Iran!
And a reminder of the rallying pedigree from the 70s and the 80s:
Tucked away were a whole row of more impressive and more recent machines:
…. and for the beginners, a reminder of entry level motor sport:
A series of 601 Peugeots – luxury and elegance for the 30s:
And finally, a series of the early Peugeots, starting over 100 years ago:
and racing in the 30s, even……. this was a 301:
Notable that there was no evidence of the recent aberrations………… will the 07 range make it, or will history judge these as not worth preserving? Anyway, for anyone in the area, it is highly recommended………. oh, and the brasserie did a good lunch, too!2009-12-18 14:23:22